Mo gaidhlig article – A beginner’s guide to Gaelic

Reporter Matthew Wright has written up a beginner’s guide to Gaelic, especially for Garnock Newsdesk. He’s also included a Gaelic song at the end of the article for you to enjoy (complete with lyrics!)

General Phrases

Madainn mhathGood morningmatin vah
Latha mathGood day/It’s a nice daylaah mah
Feasgar mathGood afternoon,eveningfesker mah
Oidhche mhathGood night!oychæ vah
Gabh mo leisgeulExcuse megav mo leshkæl
Tha mi duilichI am sorryhaa mee doolich
Tapadh leibhThank youtaphæ leyv
Mòran taingMany thanksmohræn tigh-ng
‘Se ur beathaYou’re welcomeshey oor behah
Glè mhath!Very good!glay vaa

Questions & Responses

De man a tha sibh?How are you? (polite/plural)jey mun a haa sheev
Ciamar a tha thuHow are you? (informal)keemar æ haa oo
Tha gu math, tapadh leibhVery well, thank youhaa goo mah tahpæ leyv
Chan eil donaNot badchan yeyll donnæ
Tha mi sgìthI’m tiredhaa mee skee
Tha mi sgìthWhat is your name?Jey æn tenyæm æ horæv
Is mise…My name is…Iss meeshæ…


Tha e fliuchIt is raininghaa eh flyooch
Tha e tioramIt is dryhaa eh tshirræm
Tha e blàthIt is warmhaa eh blaah
Tha e fuarIt is coldhaa eh fooær

Countries and Places

A’ ChuimrighWales
A’ GhearmailtGermany
An FhraingFrance
Dùn ÈideannEdinburgh
Obar DheathainAberdeen

If you’d like to hear how to say any of these words or phrases, head to:

Gaelic Song

Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Gan togail ri gleann.

Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Gan togail ri gleann.

Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Gun feur, gun fodar
Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Gan togail ri gleann.

Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Gun feur, gun fodar
Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Gan togail ri gleann.

Ma tha, ma thogair
Ma tha, ma thogair
Ma tha, ma thogair
Chan eil mo chrodh ann.

Ma tha, ma thogair
Ma tha, ma thogair
Ma tha, ma thogair
Chan eil mo chrodh ann.

Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Crodh-laoigh nam bodach
Gan togail ri gleann.

Head to YouTube to hear it sung:

By Matthew Wright

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