Mo gaidhlig article – A beginner’s guide to Gaelic

Reporter Matthew Wright has written up a beginner’s guide to Gaelic, especially for Garnock Newsdesk. He’s also included a Gaelic song at the end of the article for you to enjoy (complete with lyrics!) General Phrases Gaelic English Phonetic Halò Hello haa-lo Fàilte Welcome faaltshæ Madainn mhath Good morning matin vah Latha math Good day/It’s …

Things to do during the school holiday

School holidays can be the perfect time to focus on personal growth, in whatever form that takes. So whether you’re chilling at home or jetting off to an exciting destination, here is some ideas for an unforgettable break.  Explore the great outdoors Escape your 4 walls and get into nature. Some ideas are: Get creative …

Christmas in Different Places

From kissing balls to Yule logs, discover the history of Christmas traditions throughout the ages! Georgian Christmas tradition – The Kissing Bough  Have you ever shared a kiss under the mistletoe?  Before there was the mistletoe there was the kissing ball! The kissing ball is also sometimes called a kissing bough. It is made from …