Senior Phase Pathways Information

Welcome to our Senior Phase Subject Information Booklet.

This booklet details all the courses that we intend to offer our Senior Phase pupils in session 2025-26 and is there to help support the pathways process.

Summary, regarding the number of choices pupils must make:

Moving into S4 pupils must choose 7 subjects from Level 3 to Level 5.

Moving into S5 pupils must choose 5 subjects from Level 4 – Level 6 (Higher).

Moving into S6 pupils must choose at least 5 subjects but may have ‘Private Study’ columns if they undertake Advanced Highers.

Please Note: Unfortunately, at times some courses may not be able to run due to low pupil uptake. This can only be decided after the pathways have been completed and any pupils in this situation will be re-interviewed and parents notified.

Orville Scott

Depute Head Teacher

November 2024