What is ADHD?

As we grow up it’s likely we will meet more people. Some will be similar and some will be different from us. And because of this, it’s really important that we all know as much as we can about each other – so we can be respectful and understanding of our individual qualities. With that in mind, I’m here to take you through what ADHD is, and how it can be managed.

ADHD (full name: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ) is a condition that usually affects someone’s behaviour.

There’s not a defined cause for ADHD, but there are some factors that can make it more likely, such as:

  • someone in your family having it
  • Being born prematurely 
  • Being underweight when you were born

Someone with ADHD may be restless, have trouble concentrating and act impulsively – but it’s important to know that this can vary from person to person. Some people have more trouble maintaining their attention, some may be more restless and have other symptoms of hypermobility. Other people have both.

ADHD could show up in many ways, such as:

  • Finding it difficult to sit still 
  • Interrupting conversations 
  • Struggling to finish tasks or focus 
  • Emotional outbursts

It’s important to know that lots of people might feel like they have difficulty with some of the things above, but that doesn’t mean they will be diagnosed with ADHD. This condition needs to be diagnosed by a health professional and isn’t something you can diagnose yourself with.

Some of the qualities lots of people with ADHD have are:

  • Creative and can “think outside the box“
  • Great at problem solving 
  • Highly energetic 
  • Can become hyper-focused on a task until it is done

ADHD can usually be managed well with a combination of medication, therapy and lifestyle changes, under the supervision of medical professionals. So if you think you might have ADHD, don’t feel worried, it’s just important you see your GP. They will be able to help or refer you to someone who can.

Hopefully this has given you more of an understanding of ADHD, and will help you make the world a kinder and more accommodating place.

By Karis Harwood

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